Planting & Care
Also, select a site that gets full sun. For dependable blooms, plants need six to eight hours of direct sunlight a day. If it’s too shady, the stems will attempt to lean towards the sun or get spindly and fall over. Most of the popular varieties prefer acidic to neutral soil, but some are lime-tolerant or prefer alkaline soils.
Sunlight: full sun
Soil: well-drained soil
Water: medium
Temprature: -9° C
Fertilizer: apply any organic fertilizer
- Plants love water—but don’t drown them.
- That is, they don’t like to sit in water, and they’ll die if the soil is too wet in winter.
- The ideal soil is rich and loose, with good drainage.
- One of the worst mistakes you can make is to not provide adequate drainage.
- Use mulch.
Special Feature:
Impressive tropical shade tree. Along roads, parks and pastures. Generally considered to be an attractive landscape tree, but needs a large space. Avoid planting in areas where wilt is a problem.
Culinary use:
- leaves
Ornamental use:
- the plant is used for ornamental purpose.
Wilt is becoming a serious problem in many areas. Also susceptible to mimosa web worm. Self-seeding can produce numerous seedlings.
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