Lights, Water, Action
Get your plants ready to slay!
Bright indirect light
Water twice a week
Where to grow
Bright indoor, shaded outdoor
Low maintenance
Special feature
Air purifying
Plant Essentials
Fertilizer/ feed for the plant: Feed your syngonium pink neon every 2 weeks with fertilizer diluted to half strength. Make sure the soil is moist, but not soggy, at all times. Overwatering is a strict no-no.
Repotting : When you notice stunted growth or discomfort in the plant, it is time to repot into a bigger pot. Ideally, the Arrowhead plant is repotted every 2 years. He grows aggressively so the roots outgrow the pot and then it is time to repot and make them comfortable.
Propagation : It can be easily propagated via stem cuttings. The cuttings root in water just as well, as they do in a potting mix as preferred by the plant parent. For a failsafe propagation, choose a new growth shoot that has sprouted a couple of leaves.
Common Problems
1. Why are Arrowhead plant leaves turning pale and limp?
Too much and direct sunlight will cause the Arrowhead plant to practically burn. This causes the leaves to turn pale and limp. Move him to a place with indirect sunlight since he loves bright indirect sunlight.
2. Why are the new leaves of the Goosefoot plant turning brown and withering?
When the Goosefoot or Arrowhead plant is thirsty, he will drop new leaves because there isn’t enough water ration for him. Cut off the browning leaf and water the Syngonium and he will perk up quickly.
3. Why are my Syngonium leaves becoming brown and dry?
Under-watering paired with too much of direct sunlight can cause sunburn which makes the leaves brown and dry. Move your plant to a shadier spot and water it frequently.
Style and Décor
Light Requirements :The Syngonium plant fares well in any indirect sunlight. Too much of direct sunlight burns the plant so be mindful of the place where it is kept.
Locations :The Syngonium plant is perfect to be kept in the living room or near the windows where it will receive indirect sunlight.
Styling/décor tip :They’re perfect for any décor because these will provide a spot of color to break the monotony of your work desk or reading desk. Use one, use many across the home or cluster them together on your bookshelf – these plants are versatile and stylish either way.
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